Saturday, August 10, 2024

White/Ney Wedding


The Holy Marriage of Isaac White and Shaynah Ney

August 10, 2024

Paradise Ridge, Moscow, Idaho

Text: Eph. 5:22-33

            Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her(Eph. 5:25; ESV).  A Christian husband is to die for the sake of his wife.  This business of “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (v. 22) gets all the press, and it’s true enough, and we’ll talk about that in a minute.  But the really scandalous thing in this text is the admonition to you, this evening, Isaac.  Give yourself up.  Completely.  Sacrifice yourself.  Die to yourself.  Die physically, if necessary, if that’s what it takes to protect Poppet, provide for Poppet, lead Poppet in the way of Christ, along with any children God may give you as a result of your union.  It’s a happy day for you.  I don’t want to take away from that.  But that’s the long and the short of it tonight.  Get over yourself.  Get ready to die.  That’s what you’re promising here in your vows. 

            And then, yeah, back to this politically incorrect bit, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.”  “Wow, Paul.  Patriarchal much?  Get with the program, man!”  No, it doesn’t mean what your 21st Century American ears think it means.  This has nothing to do with the battle of the sexes.  It’s not about women being inferior, or some such nonsense.  It’s not about who’s the boss.  No.  No.  The Christian wife is to submit to her Christian husband’s divine call to love her, and give himself up for her, as the embodied icon of Christ for her.  She is to receive his self-giving, his self-sacrifice, to protect her, to provide for her, to lead her in the way of Christ, along with any children God may give as a result of the marital union.  That’s your divine call, Poppet.  Again, happy day, but this is what it comes down to.  Get over your own self-sufficiency.  Get ready to receive Isaac’s self-giving sacrifice, and order your life in that.  That’s what you are promising here in your vows. 

            And it is all this beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and His holy Bride, the Church.  That is what we’re given to be as Christian husbands and wives.  The living icon of Christ and the Church.  Christ, the Bridegroom, loving His Bride, the Church, unto the shedding of His own blood, unto His death for her on the cross.  The Church, receiving that sacrifice, submitting now in love and thanksgiving to the One who has given His all for her, His life, His very self, the Crucified, the Risen and Living One.  Receiving His protection.  Receiving His provision.  Following in the way that He leads.  Bathed in His righteousness.  Wrapped up in Him, thus clothed in radiant splendor, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, holy, and without blemish.

            What does that look like, concretely, in your marriage?  Isaac, at the very least, it means sacrificing your own preferences, your own safety, pleasure, and comfort for the sake of Poppet.  It means putting her first.  Good old-fashioned chivalry may be a fine place to start.  Open the door for her.  Offer her a chair.  Give her your jacket.  You know the drill.  It means making sure there is food on the table, and a roof over her head.  It also means taking the bullet for her, literally, if it comes to it.  That is one of the reasons you’re joining the military.  You hear a strange noise in the middle of the night, you don’t send her down to check it out.  You go.  If someone needs to defend your home, that’s you.  You do it.  And above all, you lead your wife and family to Christ.  You take them to Church.  You lead the charge in worship.  You don’t let them miss.  You lead them in prayer.  You lead them in devotions.  You teach them the Scriptures.  It isn’t easy.  It’s a sacrifice.  But that is how you serve as the living picture of Christ to your wife and family, and to the world.

            Poppet, at the very least this means supporting Isaac and building him up in his God-given role.  It means trusting him, receiving his sacrifice with grace and humility, and using his gifts to you wisely.  Sometimes it means encouraging him to remember his role.  It means providing a place for him, a home beside you, and in your arms.  It means providing a place for the nurture of a family in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  Follow Isaac in the way of Christ.  If he leads the charge to Church, you’re right there with him.  Pray with him, and for him.  Hear the Word of the Lord with him.  You, also, teach your children the Scriptures.  What I’m describing is not the world’s idea of a powerful woman.  What I’m describing is a better way, and a womanhood more powerful than anything the world could ever imagine.  You’re the living picture of Lady Church to your husband and family, and to the world.

            Both of you, this means forgiving each other constantly, covering up one another’s weaknesses and faults, bearing with one another in patience and longsuffering.  It means caring for one another, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health; sticking it out together, struggling always to cleave to each other in love and fidelity.  Never letting go.  Just as Christ will never let go of His Church.  Just as the Church clings to her Jesus for dear life.  You are the picture of that.   

            What a tremendous privilege!  None of us does it all that well.  That is why we need the Lord’s cleansing and mercy.  We have it, thank God.  And that is why you can confidently make  your vows today, and take upon yourselves this role, this divine calling.  Christ gave Himself up for you.  Now you are giving yourselves up for and to one another.  And what God has joined together, let no one put asunder.  In the Name of the Father, and of the Son X, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.   

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