Seventeenth Sunday
after Pentecost (B—Proper 19)
September 16, 2018
Text: Mark 9:14-29
“I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark
9:25; ESV). It is the constant struggle
every Christian must endure. It is the
fervent prayer on the lips of every one of us.
Faith and doubt. Believing the
Word and Promises of God and doubting them in the midst of circumstances that
seem to contradict those Words and Promises.
And we… we are simul justus et
peccator, at the same time saint and sinner. We are of the Spirit, born anew of water and
the Word, yet in the flesh of Old Adam and in a fallen world until the Lord
sees fit to deliver us. We are walking
contradictions. We believe, but we don’t. We love God, but we don’t. We are wholly righteous in Christ. We are wholly sinners in ourselves. “Wretched
man that I am!” we exclaim with St. Paul.
“Who will deliver me from this
body of death? Thanks be to God through
Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Rom. 7:24-25).
is the mistake we make when we talk about believing, about faith. We think that faith is our part, that faith
depends on us! Oh, how blind we
are. Do you really want faith to depend
on you? Do you really want to believe
that you have to have enough faith to
be saved or to make all things possible for you? Do you really want to believe that faith is
the one good work you get to do in order to be saved by “grace alone, apart
from works”? No, beloved. Repent of that thinking. That’s you trying to weasel your way in on
God’s territory. No, you did not make your
decision for Jesus. You did not choose
Him, He chose you. You did not give your
heart to Him until He first gave His heart for you in death for your
forgiveness, and gave you a new heart, a clean heart, a forgiven and believing
heart by His Spirit in your Baptism into Him.
To say you gave your heart to Jesus is like saying you chose to have
your mother give birth to you. It’s
silliness. Stop it. You believe by grace, by God’s gift of faith
to you, by the Spirit’s work, by Jesus giving Himself for you and to you. Your unbelief… Well, now. THAT is your part. “I
believe,” we say with the distraught father in our text. “By your own gift, O Lord, I see that you are
my help and salvation.” But “help my unbelief!” Get rid of all that is me in the equation,
for that is all I bring to the table in this, my doubt, my lack, my sin, my unbelief. You have given me to believe, Lord
Jesus. But if I am to go on believing,
it must all come from You.”
is the source of the man’s doubts? You
can understand where he’s coming from, can’t you? His son… his own beloved son is afflicted by
a demon, by an evil spirit that makes him mute, that causes him to seize and
convulse, foam at the mouth and grind his teeth and become rigid, an evil
spirit that is always trying to kill the boy, throw him into fire or water so
as to destroy him. Well, how do you
confess God’s love for you and for your son, and His willingness and ability to
save you, in the face of that? It’s a
miracle he believes at all! It’s a gift
of God! It is no less than the Holy
Spirit who has given the man to hear about Jesus and believe in Jesus so that
he brings his son to the disciples of Jesus for exorcism, for healing and
relief, for restoration and wholeness.
But he knows, even as he stands before the Lord of life, that he has his
doubts. He believes, but he
doesn’t. He knows Jesus can help, and
yet he’s not so sure. “(I)f you can do anything, have compassion
on us and help us” (Mark 9:22). If
you can. If you are even willing. I just don’t know. But I’m hoping anyway. I believe; help my unbelief!
what about the disciples? They bungle
the whole thing up. Really, their
disease is the same as that of the man, unbelief, but the symptoms manifest in
a different way. The disciples believe… in themselves! They’d been given authority over unclean
spirits, after all! But they forgot that
this authority does not have its source from within them. It is not an indelible character stamped upon
their person. The authority belongs to
Jesus. The authority is Jesus
Himself. The disciples can only cast out
demons because when they speak, it is Jesus speaking. They can only cast out demons because they
hold the Preaching Office. Their
authority begins and ends with the speaking of Jesus. By grace, because they themselves have heard
the Word of Jesus, they believe. But God
help their unbelief, which is to say, their belief in themselves. It won’t get them anywhere with the devil but
deeper and deeper. It won’t get them
anywhere with Jesus but His exasperated lament: “O faithless generation… How long am I to be bear with you?” (v.
generation,” He calls His disciples.
“Faithless generation.” That is
you. Faith must not and cannot depend on
you. It must not and cannot be something
that comes from within you, or me, or we’re all lost. Faith must come from the outside. Faith must be from no other source than
Almighty God. Faith is a gift. You know the verse: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this,” namely, faith, “is not your own doing; it is the gift of
God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph. 2:8-9). So writes St. Paul in Ephesians 2. Faith is not your part of the deal. It is not the one good work you do to acquire
salvation. Faith is still God’s part of
the totally one-sided deal of your salvation.
God gives faith. Faith receives
God’s gifts. You’ve heard me say this
many times, but we always forget it: Faith is like your hands. You did nothing to earn your hands. You didn’t decide to have hands. Your hands didn’t come from the deepest
stirrings of your heart. No, God gave
you your hands. And by your hands you
receive all of His physical blessings.
What is your part in that?
Nothing! Nothing, except to sit
there and receive what God gives with what God gave you to receive what He
gives. And that is faith. God gives it by grace, on account of
Christ. And He gives it to receive all
that He gives you in Christ.
even more than that, faith is not a gift of God given apart from Christ. Faith is Christ. You see, all that is you is unbelief,
rebellion against God, unfaith. In the simul justus et peccator, at the same
time saint and sinner, your part is the sinner.
So what must Jesus do for you so that you believe, to help your
unbelief, to make the saint of the simul a reality? He must be your faith! Jesus is your substitute. That means that, not only does He step into
your place to bear your sin and receive your punishment on the cross so that
you are forgiven, He also does what you cannot do, what God demands of
you. He fulfills the Law for you. And He believes for you. This explains what our Lord says this morning
in our text, that “All things are
possible for one who believes” (Mark 9:23).
This is one of those “faith can move mountains” type of verses. It’s a beautiful Promise, but… I mean, have
you ever tried it out? I believe, I
think. So I try to move the mountain, or
walk on the water, or cure my friend’s cancer, or just find my stupid keys. No dice.
But beloved, who is the One who believes? Who is the One for whom all things are
possible? It is none other than our Lord
Jesus Christ. He is the Faithful
One. He is the One who believes. And all that He does, His fulfilling the
Commandments, His death and resurrection, and
His believing... all of that counts
for us! It is credited to our
account, as if we did it, because Jesus did it, and He gives His doing it to us
in His Word and Sacraments, by grace.
you see, Jesus is the end of all doubt.
He is the end of unbelief. He is
your faith. And that is why your faith
is enough. Because Jesus is enough. When it comes to saving faith, we don’t
quantify it. This saves us from the
great spiritual crisis of whether I have enough faith. Of course, if I’m asking about me, the answer
is no, I don’t. But the real question is
whether I have Jesus. For if I have
Jesus (and I do, not because of anything I’ve done, but because He has given
Himself to me)… If I have Jesus, it is enough.
That is saving faith. That is
belief. That is the end of
I know this confounds you. To be sure,
it is hard to bear. It is hard to give
up that last little shred of something I get to do to make my salvation a
reality. I have to believe. I have to have faith. That’s my part. Nope.
No more of that. Jesus does it
all. Jesus is your salvation start to
finish. Beloved, this confounded the
disciples, too. Why couldn’t we cast the
demon out? What went wrong? You gave us authority, Jesus. We thought we had this one in the bag. “This
kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer” (v. 29). Now, this probably means that there are
different tactics for different types of demons. They are not all the same. But whatever it means, it certainly means
this: All things are not possible for you in yourself. That is what the disciples thought, but it is
not the case, and when you read the text that way, you are reading it wrong. All things are possible for Jesus, the One
who believes, the One who is your faith.
So do you want to drive out that demon?
You ask Him. You pray. And the demons must obey. Not because of you. They don’t have to obey you. Because of Jesus. They must obey Jesus.
“I believe; help my unbelief.” Take away all that is me. Put it to death on Your cross. Give me all that is You. Raise me up with Your resurrection life and
faith. So you pray, and His answer is
yes. He is doing it right here and right
now in preaching and in the Supper of His body and blood. He is giving you Himself. He is your faith. He is your life. He can and He will help. For all things are possible for Him. And you are in Him, and He is in you. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son
(+), and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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