Sunday, November 20, 2016

Last Sunday of the Church Year

Last Sunday of the Church Year (C—Proper 29)

November 20, 2016
Text: Luke 23:27-43

            “There was also an inscription over him, ‘This is the King of the Jews’” (Luke 23:38; ESV).  The sign Pilate fastened above our Lord is a scandal, not just to the chief priests, but to the whole world.  And truth be told, it is a scandal for you.  Because here, on the cross, high and lifted up, crowned with thorns, bejeweled with nails and blood, here is where Jesus is your King.  This is why we hang crucifixes on our walls and around our necks.  This is why, along with St. Paul, “we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:23-24).  “But,” you may be heard to say, “I worship a risen Christ, not a dead one!”  True enough.  Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, and upon that one fact rests the entire Christian faith.  But you cannot have a risen Christ unless you first have a dead one.  Apart from the cross, the empty tomb is meaningless.  There is no Easter without Good Friday.  And here, on the cross, Pontius Pilate gets it right.  This is the King of the Jews.  Indeed, this is the King of Creation.  Behold, your King, beloved.  The cross is His coronation and ascension to the throne.  The cross is His glorification.  Here He wins a Kingdom.  Here He purchases you for Himself, to live under Him as eternal citizens of His Kingdom.  Here, with His own blood, and with His innocent suffering and death, He purchases the forgiveness of your sins and your eternal salvation.  This is the King of the Jews.  Beloved in the Lord, this is your King.
            And not only does He take up His royal office here, on the cross, but here also He takes up your case in the Judgment.  Of course, there will be a Judgment Day on the Last Day, and that is what this Last Sunday of the Church Year is all about.  We will speak about that in a few moments.  But understand, here, on the cross, your judgement is accomplished.  Look at what happens here on Golgotha.  As the Lord is on His throne, the stage is set.  He had warned the weeping women this moment was coming: “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children” (Luke 23:28).  Why?  Because the destruction of Jerusalem is coming in judgment against those who rejected their Savior, and because that is only a beginning of the Judgment that will be poured out on the earth when Jesus returns.  And now, here He is upon His wooden throne, and here is one on His right, and one on His left.  Both are thieves.  Both are sinners.  The one on His left does not believe in Him.  He mocks Him.  “Are you not the Christ?  Save yourself and us!” (v. 39).  But the one on His right knows that Jesus, this dying God, is his only hope.  He confesses his own sin and unworthiness.  He confesses Jesus’ innocence and righteousness.  And then the prayer that belongs on all of our lips.  “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (v. 42).  And then the verdict.  The one on the left dies in his sins.  But to the one on the right, the one who looks to Jesus alone for forgiveness and salvation, Jesus promises: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise” (v. 43).  There is the multitude before Him.  They do not realize that they, also, are at the moment of their judgment.  The vast majority of bystanders mock Him.  The soldiers, the chief priests, those passing by.  Their words are reminiscent of their father, the devil, as He tempted Christ in the Garden: “If You are the Son of God…”  “He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!” (v. 35).  All the while, the prayer of Christ for each one of them, and for you and for me: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (v. 34).  That is what King Jesus wants.  That is what He is working for, suffering for, bleeding and dying for.  The forgiveness of sins for you and for me and for all people.  Those who do not want that will perish apart from Him.  That is the judgment.  But those who believe in Him and look to Him alone for righteousness and life and salvation, receive eternity with Him in paradise.  That is the verdict.  Look to the cross.  Behold, your King.  Behold, your judgment.  A great exchange has taken place.  Jesus takes your sin and gives you, in return, His righteousness.  Your sins die there with Him.  He rises from the dead, but they do not.  You are forgiven.  You are free.  And He will raise you.  Body and soul.  Clean and righteous in the blood of Jesus.  That is the Promise.
            Now, the Day is coming, when Jesus will come again, visibly, with the holy angels, to judge the living and dead.  All the dead will be raised.  He will give eternal life to you and all believers in Christ, not because you are righteous in and of yourself, but because of the Judgment that has already taken place at the cross.  That is why you don’t need to fear Judgment Day.  It will be the Day of your deliverance.  But all who have not believed in Him and have therefore not received the benefit of His Judgment on the cross will perish eternally in hell with the devil and his evil angels.  Not because Jesus didn’t love them or because He didn’t die for them.  He did.  But because they would not have it.  They would not be judged on the basis of His death and resurrection.  They would be judged on their own merits.  And hell is what our own merits deserve. 
            The most important thing in this earthly life, therefore, is to be in Christ.  There is nothing more important for you.  There is nothing more important for your children.  There is nothing more important than to be in Christ by faith, and therefore claim the Judgment of the cross as your judgment, that there your sins were put to death and paid in full, and that Christ who has been raised from the dead is your justification, your righteousness before God.  How can you know that you are in Christ, that He is your King, and your judgment has already occurred in His death on the cross?  If you are baptized, that is your reality.  That’s what St. Paul says: “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:3-4).  In Baptism, Jesus makes His death and burial your own, and His resurrection becomes your new life already now spiritually, and in your body on that Day.  But of course, you can leave your Baptism.  You can forsake the faith of your Baptism.  So how do you remain in it?  Well, you come to Church!  As often as you are able.  You come, because here Jesus speaks His forgiveness to you in the Holy Absolution, plunging you back into the baptismal water, cleansing you from your sins.  You come, because here Jesus speaks His life into you in Scripture and preaching and liturgy and hymn.  You come, because here Jesus puts His very body and blood into you for your forgiveness, life, and salvation.  The King invites you to His Table for the Royal Feast!  What a privilege!  What an honor!  And by the Meal He serves here, He keeps you in your Baptism.  He keeps you in His cross and resurrection.  So get here.  Don’t miss it if you can help it.  And get your kids here.  There is nothing more important than Jesus, who is here in the flesh, to give you Himself and keep you for His own. 

            And if you are His own, there is nothing to worry about on the Last Day.  A lot of businessmen make a lot of money on books and movies that scare Christians about the Day of Judgment.  Frankly, they are false teachers.  The only reason to fear Judgment Day is if you have rejected the Judgment that took place when your King was enthroned.  Your sins are done.  They are forever buried.  You are 100% righteous in Christ, covered with His righteousness.  And though you do not know the day or hour, He has already told you what will take place.  You will hear the trumpet and the voice of the archangel.  You will see Him coming on a cloud surrounded by His angelic hosts.  If you’re dead, He will raise you up, in your body.  And He will separate the sheep from the goats, believers from unbelievers.  Like the thieves on the cross, those on His left will be the unbelievers who mock Him.  Now there will be no denying that He is their King, their Lord.  And those on His right will be those who trust in Him alone for forgiveness and salvation.  To them… to you, beloved, He will say: “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”  New heavens and new earth.  Eden restored.  The eternal Today in the Paradise of your King.  In the Name of the Father, and of the Son (+), and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

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