Eighteenth Sunday
after Pentecost (C—Proper 20)
September 18, 2016
Text: Luke 16:1-15
course, for my first Sunday here with you our Holy Gospel would be one of the
most difficult texts in Scripture. The
difficulty is that Jesus seems to be commending dishonesty, or shrewdness as
Jesus puts it more charitably.
The manager was wasting his master’s possessions, and when he was
caught, and it was evident that he was about to lose his job, the manager did
something dishonest so as to buy the
friendship of his master’s debtors. He
called them in, one by one, and reduced their debt, simply forgave a large
portion of what the master was owed. If
anything, more waste, more sin, more guilt.
This is clearly a sin against the Seventh Commandment: “You shall not
steal.” And yet, Jesus commends this
behavior as something we should emulate.
What is going on here? You see
the difficulty, right?
it’s not actually the dishonesty that Jesus commends. He wants you to be truthful. He doesn’t want you to cheat your
employers. But the point is this: The manager is banking on the mercy of the
master. The manager knows what kind
of a man his master is. He is gracious. He is generous. He is merciful. The manager knows that forgiving debt is just
the sort of thing his master would do.
And that kind of debt forgiveness not only reflects well on the manager
and buys the friendship of the debtors, it also reflects well on the master and
buys their loyalty. Everybody wins. The manager does a good thing and saves his
job. The master retrieves some of what
is owed him and the rest becomes an investment in public relations. And the people are freed up from the debt
that has bound them for so long. And
notice the shift that has taken place in the heart and mind of the
manager. This is really a matter of
faith. He once had faith in money, namely,
his master’s, which he wasted, presumably to enrich himself. Now he has faith in the master, and in his mercy, by which alone the manager
is saved. Jesus does not commend
dishonesty or cheating. He commends faith in the master’s mercy.
this is what the parable comes down to.
You cannot serve two masters.
This is an either/or scenario and the application hits every last one of
us where it hurts: In the wallet. You
cannot have Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as your God and serve money as
lord. Saving faith in Jesus Christ does
not trust money or possessions to deliver in the day of trouble. Luther said that whatever you fear, love, and
trust in the most is your god. Our God,
the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is a jealous God. He will not share us. This is a matter of the First
Commandment. You shall have no other
gods. If you love wealth, if you fear
losing it, if you’re counting on it for the future, you have a god named
Mammon. And who of us does not fall
under that indictment? We scrimp and
save, which is fine and good in and of itself.
I’m all for wise use of money and planning ahead. But we put our faith in what we
accumulate. We hoard it up. We cling to it. Or we spend it on things we think will make
us happy. Either way, we’re looking for
money to deliver what is good. We think
we earn it. We worked hard for it. We have it coming. We deserve it. And so we deny the One who gives us all good
things. Instead, we worship cold, hard
cash. Money is, after all, what makes
the world go ‘round. Money talks, as we
say. It makes things happen. It opens doors. When we talk about someone who is successful,
we mean they make a lot of money. We
gage the health of the nation on how the economy is performing, and we vote for
our politicians on the basis of our pocketbook.
And even in the Church, we talk a lot about growing (and we certainly
want to grow!), but all-too-often what we’re really concerned about is more
givers in the pew when the plate is passed.
Rich or poor, and everyone in between, we think the answer to all that
ails us is more money, more stuff. There
is a demonic power behind this idol named Mammon. Every one of us is prone to his
deception. But you cannot serve God and
money. God will not share us with
another. Beloved in the Lord, repent.
Lord Jesus Christ was born into poverty and scandal to make us poor sinners
rich in His mercy. Born of a teenage,
unwed mother and laid into a manger, a feeding trough for animals, that He
might feed beastly sinners with Himself, His own Body and Blood, for the
forgiveness of sins. St. Paul puts it
this way: “For you know the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor,
so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9; ESV). Here is what Jesus does for you, you who are
all tied up with worries about money, will there be enough, what will I eat,
what will I drink, what will I wear, how will I retire?... You who look to money to provide all these
things, you who have Mammon for a god.
He comes down, Almighty God, to whom all things belong, and He empties
Himself of His riches and glory and becomes nothing. Worse than nothing, He becomes your sin. And He takes that sin, all of it, to Calvary,
where it is nailed in His flesh to the cross.
And your debt is paid in full.
All of it. Not just a part. Not even a generous portion. The whole thing. The record of your debt is erased. All your sin is forgiven. And the proof of it is what happens on the Third
Day. Jesus Christ is risen from the
dead. In His Body. Still has the wounds to prove it, that it is
Him, the same Jesus who was crucified for you, the very Jesus who died and was
buried. He is now risen. And just so you know, just like Thomas in the
upper room, He bids you come and touch Him.
Touch that Body, those wounds, and see.
Where do you do that? Here in the
Supper. His Body. His Blood.
Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Placed on your tongue, poured down your
throat. The Church is born from the
riven side of Christ and nourished from His wounds.
what is the result of all of this for you?
You’re free! Because the demonic
lie has been exposed. Jesus alone is
your Savior. All other gods will fail
you. Money will slip through your
fingers. Money is a merciless
master. It’s never there when you need
it. But Jesus… He’s always there. And He’s always for you. After all, look what it cost Him to make you
His own. After all of that, He’s not
going fail you now. He will provide for
you. His Father loves you. You God’s own child. That’s what it means to be baptized. He will feed you. He will clothe you. He will shelter you. Yes, He will give you the cross to bear,
which means you won’t always have what you want, or even what you think you need. As a father disciplines his children, so our
God disciplines us. He gives us
suffering to bear for our good. But even
this is from His Fatherly hand. God does
all things well, and He does them for your good, for your salvation. He will always take care of you and make sure
you have what you need. Now, you should
work if you can, and you should save, because God has given you these gifts as
well. But do you see how freeing this
is, to know that God, the real One, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, takes care of
everything? I never really appreciated
this as a kid, but Mom and Dad took care of everything. They paid for everything. Now, they didn’t always give me what I
wanted, but they always gave me what I needed.
They always did what was for my good.
And what I really took for granted was the sacrifice it cost them to do
that for me. The work. The sweat.
The worries. The tears. Of course, they didn’t need to worry. As they took care of me, their heavenly
Father was taking care of them. And, in
fact, my heavenly Father was taking care of me through them. That is one of the reasons our God gave them
what He did. To provide for me and for
my siblings and for their Church and for their neighbor who could not work and
for all who were blessed by what our God had given them.
see, when Mammon is dethroned as a god, it is put in its proper place. It is a gift given by our Father in heaven
for the sake of Jesus Christ, His Son.
And it is given to be used for good and given away. God blesses you to be a blessing to
others. God pours out His gifts upon you
so that His gifts flow through you to your neighbor. Like a cup that is filled to overflowing. Go home this afternoon and hold a cup under
your faucet. Fill that cup to
overflowing. Notice how, as long as you
hold the cup under the faucet, it is always full and always overflowing
abundantly. That is how the gifts of God
work. God is a never failing fountain of
good. He fills us to the brim with His
good gifts. And there is always so much
good that it can overflow in love and sacrifice and generosity to our neighbor,
without us experiencing any lack. And
that’s not just true in terms of money.
When you come to the Divine Service, the Lord Jesus fills you with
Himself, His Word in your ears, His Body and Blood in your mouth. He fills you to the brim with His forgiveness
and life. And you overflow. You go love and serve your neighbor. You bear with your neighbor’s weakness and
sin. You forgive your neighbor who has
sinned against you. You’re banking on the Master’s mercy. That’s just the kind of God He is. And that’s just how He would have you
be. And when you are, everybody wins. You give and forgive. The people receive your giving and
forgiveness. And they see your good
works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
is what Jesus commends in this morning’s Gospel. Not dishonesty or cheating. Faith in the Master’s mercy. Faith in Jesus Himself. Faith in our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. He will never fail to provide
you with all that you need for body and soul.
Put no faith in riches. Do not
look to your stuff to fill you or save you.
Rest in Jesus and His saving work for you. In Jesus, crucified and risen for you, you
have everything you need. In the Name of
the Father, and of the Son (+), and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessings on your blog..........for God's service in His Word and especially the Gospel...........